Prophetic Insight

The Bride without spot or blemish...
I have thought about the Bride of Christ, His chosen ones, as what the Lord is returning for.
But then He opened my eyes to the fact it’s much more. The Bride is also the land. Israel is the Bride of Christ, too. When Jesus returns she will be ready to receive her King. The land will welcome Him.
There are proposals now now to place a spot on her. I saw it and even if it comes down, God will lift it off. It was a stain on a wedding dress and will not be there when He returns. Each piece of the garment is sewn together. Each part begins to move, to be covered, to dance before her Bridegroom.
Piece by piece, we ready ourselves to witness and see how He takes the needle and attaches piece after piece of the land.
If the proposal from President Trump is completed, then the stain will be placed in one location rather than spread out. It will be removed, all at once, later. God gathers it to do this thing -so Israel can be given more of her pieces. For the Lord comes for a Bride without spot or blemish -and so when Jesus comes perfection will greet Him. It‘s a beautiful thing.
Pray for Israel and God’s perfect will. He will accomplish what He wants and we have the privilege of seeing it and being part of what He does.