Revelation received from the Lord on 5/7/2021
The Lord awoke me around 4 a.m. to talk. When He does this, I am a good student and write down what He shares with me. I often see visions as this happens, as He will reveal things in a metaphor to explain and give me a deeper understanding of what is playing out.
I have had this gift a long time now, but there are others who are further ahead with understanding and revelation, and I am walking a well-worn path up the mountain that is where the Kingdom of the Lord resides. It looks like here, only better.
I’m on earth to do this work, and my life has been a metaphor of the brokenness of our country, and the power of what God can do with a broken Bride, His church. My whole family has been part of this brokenness, but God is faithful to love and repair even the lost and broken. He did not come for the ones who are in good shape but came to restore the lost of the earth to Him.
Now, let’s unpack this revelation He shared on 5/7/2021.
Let’s start with the dates.
Five is the number of grace. Seven is the number of completion. Twenty is the number of double ten, it’s a double portion of all things. So, in the times we are in, things will play out a double role, of importance and endtime harvest. This is for the time we now face. You will see much pour out at the same time you watch the world fall apart. It’s a double. Twenty-one is seven three times. So, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each one of them are completing. That is the year we are observing. Last year, 2020 brought it in. This year it moves into a greater forward for what will change and shake the earth.
So, that is the forward with numbers. God does nothing by happenstance. He is intentional and every thing He does has meaning. Some people may not understand what He is doing, but it does not change that God is moving and doing things in the earth at all times, and it is a mystery for us to learn and become sensitive to His ways.
So, in this blog I will share with you the three words He spoke and what they mean. There are going to be several more blogs that will unpack what He spoke on 5/7/2021 and I may refer to it from time to time. Print out what I share and pray about it for the Lord to share with you what your assignment is now. It’s key and critical in this time we are living in to have the necessary understanding God wants to convey to us.
Revelation – understanding and wisdom come.
Ascension – this triggers assault. The only way to navigate this is to remain higher.
Condemnation – of enemy authorities.
This is what is happening in the earth now. This is what God is bringing and doing. When I say God, I also include Jesus, our Savior who has been given all things, and has authority from the Father to do and complete what is being done, but He is waiting to be released back into the earth and yes, it is coming soon. So, get your house ready to receive the King. That is what we are being prepared for. Our King is risen and He is coming back for a Bride without spot or blemish. So, get your house, that means you NOT the physical residence you maintain, but you, the temple of the Lord, get that in order. Repent. Ask for direction and don’t turn back from your assignment. The third is the Holy Ghost. He will move in the earth as never before and you need to become sensitive to the Lord to receive what God has for you. Pray and ask. Remember that Scripture, you have not because you ask not? Well, ask for what God has for you. It’s a simple prayer but it will move mountains so God can align you to His plan and His purpose.
So, let’s get back to these three words the Lord spoke to me. First, He spoke the words. Then, He released what they mean. Then, He began to show me what to do. If you want to read those, then, come back and sign onto receive my blogs. I will unpack that next.
Revelation. Ascension. Condemnation.
Think upon these three words. They will feed you and if you understand what the Lord is revealing now, you will be able to use them to your advantage.
Dana Peters-Colley